#============================================================================ # PHOST CONFIGURATION FILE (Alternative Combat / PLIST) #================================= # THINK CAREFULLY BEFORE CHANGING THE BATTLE PARAMETERS!!!! # # Only PCONFIG versions and higher recognize the '%' section # delimiter. % PHOST # GENERAL OPTIONS # --------------- GameName = TerMitaD AllowRegisteredFunctions = Yes ScoringMethod = None TonsScoreCountsPlanets = No DisablePasswords = Yes CPEnableBigTargets = Yes # # Modified by players on Thu Apr 11 23:13:09 2002 # AllowMoreThan50Targets = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No AllowMoreThan50Targets = No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, Yes, No CPEnableLanguage = Yes Language = English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English # First element of Language is the host's choice of language FilterPlayerMessages = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No CPEnableRaceName = No RecycleRate = 75 ScanRange = 150 SensorRange = 125 AllowNewNatives = No AllowAlchemy = Yes AllowScienceMissions = Yes TerraformRate = 2 CPEnableMessage = No AllowPlayerMessages = Yes DeleteOldMessages = Yes CPEnableRumor = Yes CPEnableAllies = No DelayAllianceCommands = No CPEnableGive = No CPEnableRemote = No AllowShipCloning = Yes ShipCloneCostRate = 200,200,200,200,32767,200,32767,200,200,200,200 IonStormActivity = 0 CPEnableSend = Yes AllowExtendedMissions = Yes ExtMissionsStartAt = 20 WormholeUFOsStartAt = 50 AllowWraparoundMap = Yes WraparoundRectangle = 1080,1080,2920,2920 AllowBeamUpClans = Yes AllowBeamUpMultiple = Yes # MOVEMENT # -------- AllowGravityWells = Yes GravityWellRange = 3 RoundGravityWells = Yes AllowHyperWarps = Yes AllowHyperjumpGravWells = Yes AllowNoFuelMovement = No UseAccurateFuelModel = No AllowOneEngineTowing = No TowedShipsBreakFree = No AllowAlternativeTowing = Yes # RACIAL ABILITIES # ---------------- PlayerRace = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 MapTruehullByPlayerRace = No AllowFedCombatBonus = Yes AllowSuperRefit = Yes AllowAntiCloakShips = Yes AlternativeAntiCloak = No AntiCloakImmunity = Yes, Yes, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No AllowHiss = Yes HissEffectRate = 5 MaxShipsHissing = 5 AllowDeluxeSuperSpy = Yes SpyDetectionChance = 20 AllowGloryDevice = Yes CumulativePillaging = Yes RobFailureOdds = 5 AllowGamblingShips = Yes AllowBoardingParties = Yes AllowPrivateerTowCapture = Yes BorgAssimilationRate = 100 AllowChunneling = Yes AllowAlliedChunneling = Yes AllowWebMines = Yes CrystalsPreferDeserts = Yes CrystalSinTempBehavior = Yes AllowCrystalTowCapture = Yes DarkSenseRange = 125 AllowImperialAssault = Yes RobotsBuildFighters = Yes RebelsBuildFighters = Yes AllowRebelGroundAttack = Yes AllowRGAOnUnowned = No RGANeedsBeams = Yes ColoniesBuildFighters = Yes RamScoopFuelPerLY = 2 AllowAdvancedRefinery = Yes AllowBioscanners = Yes # PLANETS (COMBAT-POPULATION-ECONOMY) # ----------------------------------- AllowPlanetAttacks = Yes PlanetsAttackRebels = No PlanetsAttackKlingons = No DefenseForUndetectable = 20 FactoriesForDetectable = 15 MinesForDetectable = 20 AllowEatingSupplies = Yes ClimateLimitsPopulation = Yes ClimateDeathRate = 3 NativeClimateDeathRate = 0 MaxColTempSlope = 1000 TransuraniumDecayRate = 25 StructureDecayPerTurn = 5 RaceMiningRate = 90,250,125,125,125,125,125,125,125,125,125 ColonistTaxRate = 200,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100 NativeTaxRate = 200,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100 RaceGrowthRate = 100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100 MaxPlanetaryIncome = 5000 ProductionRate = 100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100 FreeFighters = 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,10,0,0,0 PlanetaryTorpsPerTube = 3 # 2 torps per tube will work fine too # SPACEMINES # ---------- AllowMinefields = Yes MaximumMinefieldRadius = 125 UnitsPerTorpRate = 100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,400,100,100 AllowMinesDestroyMines = Yes AllowMinesDestroyWebs = No MineScanRange = 150 MineHitOdds = 1 MineOddsWarpBonusX100 = 0 MineTravelSafeWarp = 2 MineHitDamageFor100KT = 100 MineDecayRate = 3 MineSweepRate = 4 MineSweepRange = 10 WebMineHitOdds = 5 WebMineOddsWarpBonusX100 = 0 WebMineTravelSafeWarp = 0 WebMineDecayRate = 3 WebHitDamageFor100KT = 10 WebDrainFuelLoss = 25 WebMineSweepRate = 3 WebMineSweepRange = 5 FighterSweepRange = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,80 FighterSweepRate = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,20 AllowColoniesSweepWebs = No IonStormsHideMines = Yes HullTechNotSlowedByMines = 7 # METEORS # ------- RandomMeteorRate = 0 MeteorShowerOdds = 2 MeteorShowerOreRanges = 110,110,110,110,450,450,450,450 LargeMeteorsImpacting = 0 LargeMeteorOreRanges = 100,100,100,100,10000,9000,9000,7000 AllowMeteorMessages = Yes # CLOAKING # -------- CloakFailureRate = 1 AllowCloakFailMessages = Yes RobCloakedShips = No RobCloakedChance = 0 CloakFuelBurn = 5 MineHitOddsWhenCloakedX10 = 5 CloakMineOddsWarpBonusX100 = 0 CloakedMineTravelSafeWarp = 2 DamageLevelForCloakFail = 25 AllowTowCloakedShips = No AllowCloakedShipsAttack = Yes # WORMHOLES # --------- AllowWormholes = No WrmDisplacement = 1 WrmRandDisplacement = 0 WrmStabilityAddX10 = 0 WrmRandStability = 0 WrmMassAdd = 0 WrmRandMass = 0 WrmVoluntaryTravel = Yes WrmTravelDistDivisor = 30000 WrmTravelWarpSpeed = 1 WrmTravelCloaked = Yes WrmEntryPowerX100 = 25 # COMBAT OPTIONS # -------------- GroundKillFactor = 1,30,5,15,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 GroundDefenseFactor = 1,10,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 AllowEngineShieldBonus = Yes EngineShieldBonusRate = 20 AllowESBonusAgainstPlanets = No NativeCombatSurvivalRate = 80 AllowInterceptAttack = Yes # COMBAT PARAMETERS # ----------------- BayRechargeRate = 40 BayRechargeBonus = 1 BeamRechargeRate = 4 BeamRechargeBonus = 4 TubeRechargeRate = 30 BeamHitFighterCharge = 500 BeamHitShipCharge = 600 TorpFiringRange = 30000 BeamFiringRange = 25000 TorpHitOdds = 50 BeamHitOdds = 70 BeamHitBonus = 12 StrikesPerFighter = 5 FighterKillOdds = 10 FighterBeamExplosive = 9 FighterBeamKill = 9 ShipMovementSpeed = 100 FighterMovementSpeed = 300 BayLaunchInterval = 2 MaxFightersLaunched = 45 AllowAlternativeCombat = Yes StandoffDistance = 10000 PlanetsHaveTubes = Yes FireOnAttackFighters = Yes TorpHitBonus = 13 TubeRechargeBonus = 7 ShieldDamageScaling = 40 HullDamageScaling = 20 CrewKillScaling = 30 ExtraFighterBays = 3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 BeamHitFighterRange = 100000 FighterFiringRange = 3000 # BUILD QUEUE OPERATION # --------------------- # # Feel free to change these numbers, they have basically just been # pulled out of a hat and are by no means "optimal". # # For PLIST with alternative combat, it may not be worthwhile # to implement any build queue strategy other than FIFO, since # the top ships are more-or-less comparable (factoring in # tax rates, nature of the race, etc.) In that case, you can # just set # SBQBuildPALBoost = 0 # SBQNewBuildPALBoost = 100 # SBQPointsForAging = 500 # SBQBuildChangePenalty = -1 # PALPlayerRate = 0 # and forget about the rest. SBQBuildPALBoost = 1 SBQNewBuildPALBoost = 1 SBQPointsForAging = 500 SBQBuildChangePenalty = -1 PALDecayPerTurn = 20 PALPlayerRate = 100 PALCombatAggressor = 0 PALAggressorPointsPer10KT = 0 PALOpponentPointsPer10KT = 0 PALAggressorKillPointsPer10KT = 5 PALOpponentKillPointsPer10KT = 5 PALCombatPlanetScaling = 40 PALCombatBaseScaling = 100 PALShipCapturePer10Crew = 2 PALRecyclingPer10KT = 3 PALBoardingPartyPer10Crew = 1 PALGroundAttackPer100Clans = 0 PALGloryDevice = 60 PALGloryDamagePer10KT = 0 PALImperialAssault = 0 PALRGA = 0 PALPillage = 0 ###################################################################### # # # P C O N T R O L S E C T I O N # # # ###################################################################### # This section controls fine-grain PHOST operation. See PCONTROL.HTM # for more details % PCONTROL LargeMeteors = Normal MeteorShowers = Normal TransferOwner = Normal AntiCloak_1 = Normal DeluxeSuperSpy = Normal NewNativesAppear = Normal RobMission = Normal GamblingShips = Normal CargoDump = Normal CargoTransfer = Normal TrimShipCargo = Normal BeamTransfers = Normal GatherMission = Normal BeamUpCredits = Normal MinefieldDecay = Normal MineLaying = Normal MineSweeping = Normal MinefieldScan = Normal WormholeScan = Normal WebDraining = Normal SpecialMissions_1 = Normal BuildFighters = Normal BuildTorpedoes = Normal Alchemy = Normal ShipBuilding_1 = Normal DumpOldBaseParts = Normal BaseMissions_1 = Normal SupplyRepair_1 = Normal BoardingParties = Normal FreeFighters = Normal Movement = Normal GloryDevices = Normal AntiCloak_2 = Normal ColonizeMission = Normal SupplyRepair_2 = Normal BaseMissions_2 = Normal Combat = Normal SupplyRepair_3 = Normal Terraforming = Normal SensorSweep = Normal SpecialMissions_2 = Normal PlanetaryProduction = Normal PlanetaryHappiness = Normal PlanetaryTaxation = Normal PlanetaryGrowth = Normal PlanetaryLosses = Normal ShipBuilding_2 = Normal Assimilation = Normal SuperSpyMission = Normal ShipExploration = Normal # Configuration parameters for other programs go here. For example, # % SOMEADDON # # Parameter1 = 10 # Parameter2 = 20 # # % SOME_OTHER_ADDON # # Parameter1 = 10 # Parameter2 = Yes